Sports Data Exchange Solutions
The data meeting point for the whole sports ecosystem
Reach for the top of the podium with Data Exchange
Use cases leveraging data in the sport ecosystem are already well defined, from informing athletes performances to strategies and sponsoring opportunities, the sport tech is a massive contributor to the data economy. Driven by players, sponsors, clubs, federations, leagues, retailers, brands, and event planners, to name a few, the sport ecosystem holds promises to unlock new perspectives of data value by entering a whole new level of data circulation.
In their journey towards a more digital business, sport organizations produce and use large quantities of data to analyze and enhance performances, measure players’ health, improve sport-addicted consumers and fans experiences.
On average, football generates more than 3.5 million data points per match and 500 Gb of data are collected during a unique F1 race. However, the whole value chain can take advantage of a rich opportunity by de-isolating sports data and processing it better. Tapping into the unused potential of data through improved data circulation equips organizations to generate ever-increasing value from data.
Connecting siloed data sources to extend your data ecosystem
Daily athletics, baseball and tennis data, sport statistics and data analytics in sports in general are becoming an instrument for commercialization and valorization to promote new business models. It brings a unique opportunity for sports data producers, users, and owners to gather and pool a variety of use cases in a data marketplace. Data Exchange Solutions provide interested parties with a secured and trusted environment to exchange, share and commercialize data. Data Exchange technology also enables multi-sources data partnerships to untie isolated sports data, enhances data quality, and opens a larger scope for new data usage and value.
Providing a structured Industry Data Space for the sports data world
Sport Industry Data Space solutions serve as a focal point for sport organizations, public or private, to source, discover, exchange, and enrich sport data collected by the global value chain of the Sport Economy.
The Data Exchange is a powerful solution for data producers and users across the entire sports ecosystem: a forum for clubs, federations, and leagues, or between brands, sponsors or retailers. This solution opens up new accesses to data, translating data into value, enabling new revenues through secured and structured exchanges. Data Exchange technology also facilitates the compliance to appropriate data protection rules.
Managing daily and real-time data updates regardless of the sport, from tennis players average serve speed to time on base for baseball players, clubs are the data foundation of the Sport Economy and the main data engine of “Sport Tech”.
Clubs already use and generate data on performances, players, marketing, stadium, and supporters. Data Exchange enables clubs to seize many opportunities to:
- Build new data partnerships to improve fans and consumers’ experiences
- Open broader datasets to sponsors and brands as well as building data partnership with other industries such as Insurance and Tourism
- Improve internal team management and players’ health
- Optimize scouting with players’ data
- Increase the visibility and value of the club brand and assets

Federations and Leagues
Federations and Leagues have a critical need of data to help them manage events, business partnerships, and contracts. Every day, fans and supporters are looking forward to browsing sports statistics that can be leveraged. Federations and leagues can also benefit from exchanging data to:
- Diversify their business with new data services and offers
- Optimize new contracts through data-driven insights
- Enhance data quality with new data sets
- Improve global events planning (Olympics, World Cup) through data exchanges and data sharing enabling better event organization
- Building innovative fan loyalty programs with a broader range of data-based offerings

Sponsors and brands
Sponsors and brands are also “players on the field”. As Sport Tech and data exchange are transforming the Sport Economy, sponsors and brands can use new comprehensive datasets from federations and clubs to:
- Gain visibility on players statistics, value and positioning
- Optimize sponsoring contracts with players and clubs
- Increase marketing impacts
- Maximize events sponsoring, and funding with better return on investment
- Identify more adapted sponsoring channels for brands through crossing internal and external data

The retail industry continuously collects sports data on behaviors, purchasing habits, what sport is practiced, or which team is supported. In exchanging its own data and acquiring others from the sports ecosystems i.e., clubs, retailers can:
- Improve data quality, increase market insights and analysis
- Build more relevant and customized offers
- Better manage their locality and adapt market penetration
- Increase the average customer basket
- Improve customer relationship spot-on offers

Event planners and organizers
During sports events, large amounts of data are generated by events planners and organizers. Going further by collecting new datasets will bring fresh use cases, before, during and after the events or tournaments to:
- Create exciting customer packages to enrich fans experiences
- Build new cross-industries data partnerships with the hospitality, travel, mobility and insurance sectors
- Commercialize enriched data and increase revenues
- Boost events visibility and marketing
- Enhance events attractiveness through engaging offers

Get the best coaching to become a Data Exchange champion
Dawex traines organizations from the Sport industry to develop their data exchange strategy and shape up their adapted roadmap. Get insight on how to organize data circulation inside or outside your company, and become the orchestrator of your data hub.
Dawex Advisory Services guide organizations in the sport ecosystem towards the creation of new business opportunities and a data-driven strategy.
Conquer your business challenges with Data Exchange
Data Exchange technology improves and sharpens an organization’s productivity and efficiency through honed data sourcing and data valorization. It also champions risk mitigation by providing a safe and secure environment.
Data Exchange solutions put untapped revenue sources on the field, enabling the development of innovative products and services. Data Exchange also boosts your company’s valuation by harnessing the potential of your data assets.
Reaching the top of the podium with Sport Data Exchange
Accounting for 1700 billion of the worldwide GDP, the Sport economy represents a high potential for data companies and for the whole sport ecosystem. Thanks to Data Exchange, all sport economic stakeholders can develop and value the potential of their ecosystem by capitalizing on sport data circulation between clubs, federations, leagues, sponsors & brands, event planners & organizers, retailers or cities.
Dive into Dawex Sport Data Exchange Solution Brief and learn how to transform sport data into a power engine of new digital models and transformation.

Gain insightful perspectives on Data Exchange from peers
MIT CDOIQ Symposium 2021 put in the spotlight Data Exchange. Experts from genetic & biotech, commerce, agriculture, and travel & tourism engaged into an exciting conversation on the challenges and opportunities brought by ''Data Exchange and Data Marketplaces''.
Moderated by research firm IDC, this session gave the floor to industry leaders who shared their expertise on building successful business cases, how to get executive buy-in, how to define business and operational models.
Listen to peers sharing insightful feedback on Data Exchange challenges and opportunities.

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Receive quarterly insights, analysis and perspectives on the development of the data economy, the creation of data ecosystems, data exchange success factors and data marketplace business benefits.