Your registration in just a few clicks!
Another step forward for Dawex: we just improved the registration procedure (still free of charge) by guiding you through simpler steps.
From your identity to that of your company, along with setting up your activity and visibility on the platform... create your profile with the features you want to benefit from all the advantages offered by Dawex. Our simplified approach does not weaken our security procedures in any way. We take every possible measure to guarantee the security of your data and your exchanges with others.
Every account created on Dawex is subject to validation by our team. Our authentication of members (and the companies they represent) enables us to provide you with a trusted framework for making your data available, ensuring that you communicate only with clearly identified contacts. Remember that the more the information in your profile is complete, the more people will trust you. This applies to both buying and selling data. We therefore encourage you pay attention when filling in your profile.