Trust building Data Exchange technology
Ensuring the highest trust mechanisms for secure Data Exchange solutions.
Trust is an essential pillar of Data Exchange to build flourishing Data Ecosystems bringing together organizations from different horizons. With Dawex Data Exchange technology, organizations can exchange and share data products in full confidence, keeping control over who accesses the data, for which purpose and under which terms & conditions.
Trusted identities
- With state-of-the-art, secure onboarding and vetting processes, the orchestrator of the Data Marketplace or Data Hub can keep control over who has access to the data exchange ecosystem, from organizations down to individuals. Access and authorizations can be revoked anytime through the orchestrator console.
- Dawex Data Exchange Solution supports identity federation and SSO for authentication & authorization via OpenID Connect.
- The Data Exchange Solution can interoperate with solutions providing Self Sovereign Identities, making use of Decentralized Identifiers (DID), and connect with Identity Wallets providing verifiable credentials for natural and legal persons.

Data product visibility and access right management
Data Products visibility and access rights can be controlled precisely through several functionalities of the Data Exchange Solution:
- Extensive data product visibility settings are at the disposal of the data provider. Data product offerings can be exposed privately to selected organizations and individuals, exposed to all participants of the solution and even, if the data provider chooses, exposed publicly for marketing purposes to non-platform participants. Private sub-groups can be defined to expose and exchange data between participants on a selected topic.
- Group, role and user access permissions settings are supported by MFA (Multi Factor Authentication) through One-Time-Passwords (OTPs) and Role Based Access Control (RBAC).
- Data security and privacy-by-design which means that all data stored on the solution is encrypted, and participants or the orchestrator can only read the metadata associated and available in the data catalog.

Data sovereignty
With Dawex solution, data providers keep full sovereignty over their data:
- Choice of managed or decentralized modes for technical data exchanges.
- In decentralized mode, the data stays in the data provider storage systems, and transits directly from the data provider to the data acquirer once the data transaction is approved.
- In managed mode, the data also stays in the data provider storage systems, and is never duplicated in the Data Exchange solution infrastructure, except for files that may be uploaded per the data provider’s decision.
- Full control over data offerings visibility in the data ecosystem.
- Extensive access rights and data transaction approval capabilities.
Data licensing, policies and authorization management
Depending on the data ecosystem and on the nature of the data being exchanged, many different data licensing conditions and degrees of authorization are required. To provide flexibility, a comprehensive set of functionalities are available on the Data Exchange Solution to verify authorization and ensure the right terms & conditions are applied, such as:
- Preset licenses, reusable and configurable, allow the data provider to precisely define terms and conditions of use for public/private, open/commercial, or free/paid data exchanges.
- Personal data is managed in compliance with GDPR and non-European personal data regulations such as CCPA and APPI or others. Specific workflows are provided to declare, manage and mask such data all along the transaction process.
- An API connection to Authorization & Consent Managers systems is provided, ensuring for each data request that the data acquirer benefits from the consent to access and use the data product.
- Dawex is working on implementing “compliance as code” through Open Digital Right Langage (ODRL) to define and enforce policies using code that automatically checks that the use of the content is compliant with the defined policies.
- In decentralized mode, the Data Exchange Solution interoperates with connectors such as EDC ones, and synchronizes the policies and access rights between the Data Exchange Solution and the EDC connector in local information systems.

The Data Exchange Solution from Dawex provides a wide range of tools for data providers to trace data transactions and the accesses to data products, thus reinforcing the level of trust delivered by the solution.
Through the orchestrator console, the orchestrator can monitor activities and perform deep-dive audits on past activities. Data privacy is fully preserved as the orchestrator has never access to the data itself.
Participants can navigate through data offerings and explore metadata associated with each data product. Data providers can monitor and trace accesses relative to their own data products.

Ensure compliance to latest data regulations
Dawex closely follows the evolution of data regulations and participates in the building of personal and non-personal data regulations. From this expertise, Dawex ensures that its Data Exchange technology integrates regulatory requirements, providing its customers a comprehensive set of features to be compliant with the latest data regulations requirements.